Home / BCAC Arts & Culture Resiliency Supplement

BCAC Arts & Culture 

NAC springs into action thanks to a BCAC Arts & Culture Resiliency Supplement

The Nanaimo Arts Council is once again grateful to the British Columbia Arts Council, this time for awarding us an Arts & Culture Resiliency Supplement grant. This $18,000 award will go a long ways toward funding our 2021 programming.
Our lineup for this year includes several shows in our new online gallery, and real-life exhibitions at the Port Theatre once it reopens. At an online Ekphrastic Celebration event, poets will respond to works of visual art and compete for prizes. The Nanaimo Artwalk is scheduled for the end of November or early December, and as you may be aware, the Islands Short Fiction Contest is well underway with a submission deadline of March 31.
Our planned presence at the Night Market – NAC At Night – is hampered by the cancellation of the Night Market for this summer. Not willing to let a little thing like the lack of a venue get in our way, however, we are planning exciting replacement programming which will still allow us to present local artists and performers while we gain experience for the 2022 Night Market.

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